

Most of you guys have seen this, but I just LOVE this little video clip of Tessa in her jumper thingy.


New Technology

I love reading everyone's blog and I am determined to join the 21st century and become a blogger. I may not be able to text and IM yet, but I can blog dammit.

Of course the whole reason I am starting a blog is because of my beautiful baby girl, Tessa. She was born on 5.25.2008 and has been such a gift. I tell Mike every night how much I love my little bug. I have to resist the urge to just crawl into her crib at night and snuggle up with her.

I have adjusted to being a working mom fairly well. Luckily her daycare is only minutes away from the job site and I can go visit her often. I think the guys at work have adjusted well also (nothing like pumping at work). It's made for some awkward moments and funny conversation.

Anyways, welcome to our blog and I hope I will be a dilligent as some of my friends are at posting updates and pictures.