
Tree & Family

We had a great weekend. Tessa was a little fussy after getting her shots on Friday. We had a fun dinner with Regina, Milton and Keagan; and Bobby and Summer. Keagan LOVES giving hugs and kisses to babies.

We also picked out our Christmas Tree, we got a beautiful Douglas Fir and will decorate it this week sometime. Tessa loves having the outside indoors. She stares at the tree constantly.

I swear she's starting to say 'Mama'. I know it's more babble than actually calling me, but I don't care. In my heart she's saying 'Mama'. Mike's not so conviced yet.

1 comment:

sam said...

I looove her overalls! We get in trouble for dressing Penny too much "like a boy," but I think overalls are cute.
And I bet she is saying ma-ma. Uncle Mike is probably just jealous she didn't say da-da first. Ha!