
Cats and Dogs

Tessa is totally obsessed with the cats and the dogs. Our oldest cat, Marmi, is great with her and tolerates all the fur and tail pulls with no objection. When Marmi is over it, she just walks away. Gretchen, our kitten is less tolerant and prefers Tessa at a distance. Dixie, our hound-mix, seems to have the same attitude that Gretchen has. She'll sniff Tessa a couple of times but prefers her from afar. Sassafrass on the other hand LOVES Tessa becasue she smells funky, tastes like food and leaves food behind.

The funny think is that I have noticed Tessa "meowing" and "barking". When she see's and hears the cats meowing she tries to meow back. And I must say, she has a good meow sound. Her barking on the other hand is a little more monkey-esc, but still really cute. Of course, we think she's an absolute genius.

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