
Aunt K-Rock

Aunt Kirsten flew in to Dobbins AFB on Saturday. We got to go on base and watch her land. When we arrived at the Control Station there was a load of Army guys getting into a C-130. The C-130 was parked right in front of the observation deck, so we got to see them load up, start all four engines, taxi and take-off. It was really neat (and loud). The funny thing was watching these poor Army guys in thier camos, with these GIANT packs on their backs and fronts loading up. Then from the other direction came a bunch of Air Force pilots (all in thier jump suits) with thier roll-on luggage, golf clubs, two carry-ons, etc. As my dad always calls it .... Chair Force.

Then Kirsten flew in on her T1. They did a fly-by, a touch-and-go, and then they landed. This time, Kirsten was actually able to take us onto the plane once they had shut everything down. Tessa was just sitting up in the cockpit, singing away and pushing buttons. She even grabbed the yoke (a planes steering wheel) and pretended that she was flying. It was so great to see Aunt Kirsten, even though she was only here one night.

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