
Stress and Vaca

So, this week, due to the timing of Tessa moving from her new school back to her old school, she is out of school this whole week, meaning I have two kids at home by myself. AND Omi and Opa are in Germany celebrating Gabi's 60th B-day. I know they are having a blast and eating lost of good German food. Anyway, it's interesting having Tessa home all day. The house looks like the Tazmanian Devil tore through it five minute after I cleaned everything. It's hard keeping her entertained with her short attention span AND with Ellis it's hard spending time outside. The bugs are horrendous right now. Tessa has seven bug bites and she reacts very badly to them (HUGE red welts).

Aunt Kirsten is coming in town today with a friend of hers and we are going to the mountains for a week. I'm stressed since I have so much still to do and with both of them at home, it's hard being productive. Everything gets done it short little bursts of time. I am so ready to get up there and relax (well, relax as much as you can with a toddler and babe at breast).

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