

We gave Ellis his first taste of cereal this weekend and he did great. He likes sticking his hands in his mouth so of course we had cereal everywhere, but just sucked it right down. I haven't really given him any since then. I still nurse him at night and in the mornings and he gets all Breastmilk during the day that I pump at work. It's just too much work right now, so he'll have to stick to cereal on the weekends. In a couple of weeks I'll probably try some veggies and then fruit after that. I can't beleive I'm going to back to making baby food again. I loved making it for Tessa, though. I thought it was very therapeutic and I felt like I was doing something good for my baby.

The other "milestone" is that Ellis has started blowing bubbles and sticking his tongue out. He didn't do it all weekend and then yesterday when I picked him up from school, he was doing it. It's like he learned it at school and LOVES to do it. That's all he was doing last night and in the car this morning. I'll try to get a video of it, since it is so cute.

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