
Yeah (not for the faint of heart)

As you may have read in some of my previous posts, I have been getting really frustrated with the whole potty-training process. I feel like every one around us just transitioned so easily and we are really struggling. Well, in a very proud moment, Tessa POOPED on the potty tonight. After pee'ing a couple of times I knew she had to go and I just left her underwear off. Every time she looked like she was getting ready to poop, I scooped her up and we ran to the potty. She actually sat on it for several minutes each time (she tooted a couple of times). She got to the point where she was telling me she had to go poopoo. Finally, she was sitting on the potty and told me "Go get Ellis, mommy" (aka Bye Bye I want to be by myself). So I went around the corner and left her alone. I peaked a couple of times, if she caught me she just blew me some kisses and said bye bye. Ever since she could crawl, she has always wanted to be by herself when the does the #2. So, privacy she wants, privacy she gets.

I rewarded her with a BIG Hello Kitty band-aid (don't ask, she's obsessed and it worked) and lots of hugs, kisses, and high fives. Hopefully we can keep this up.

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