
New Year

I was off for the week in between New Years and Christmas and had both kids home with me (I think I spent the money we saved on day-care costs on booze to survive). On the 26th Mike, Kirsten and I went to see Cirque du Soleil's Ovo. It was AMAZING and the best Christmas present. Omi and Opa watched the kids for us. On Monday we, of course, had to say bye to Aunt Kirsten and send her off on her mission in Iraq to train Iraqi pilots. It was hard to see her go, but we are very rpoud of her.

Somewhere over the Holidays Ellis got really sick. He had this terrible cough and by Monday morning had a pretty high fever going. I took both of the them to the Doctor Monday afternoon and it turns out BOTH of my kids were sick. Tessa had an ear infection (although you would have never known) and of course Ellis has a bad upper respitory infection. They both are on Amoxicillian and Ellis has to get these breathing treatments four times a day. He was so miserable on Tuesday I felt so bad for him. He didn't eat or sleep much for two days, but finally perked up towards the end of the week. He's doing much better now.

Mike and I rang in the New Years in style! I was wearing my black velour sweat suit and Mike was wearing his jeans and what else, but a 17th Street (it's a surf shop) t-shirt. I cooked our favorite Steak recipe after the kids went to bed and we just watched the "World's Dumbest Criminals" (this show is HILARIOUS) until Midnight. It was perfect.

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