We took this picture last weekend when Aunt Kirsten flew into Dobbins with three other IP's. Tessa enjoyed showing off how well she can walk now.
Tessa is definitely walking now. And she is getting ballsier and ballsier by the day. She tries to multi-task (ie walking with toy hanging out of mouth and another one in her hand). She is attempting long distance between the couch and the fire place. You can really see her concentrating. She starts off standing then will take a few steps and stop to steady herself and then take some more steps. The look on her face is priceless. She loves to crash land into our arms, she thinks that's really cool. Of course, she has taken some tumbles that mostly scare her more than anything. Everyone in her day care is so amazed by how active she is. Poor Ms Laura has to keep up with her all day long.As exciting as all of this is; it of course means a lot more work for us. She's worth it.
The weather was absolutely beautiful this weekend. It snowed last weekend and this weekend was 77 degrees and sunny. We spent as much time outside as we could. Well, Tessa has kind of started to walk. It's more of a sprint / crash landing into my arms but it's really funny to see her face when she does it......pure joy. We tried to capture it on the video below. She has no fear and will just take off from the ottoman to the chair. Of course she gets going too fast sometimes and takes a tumble, but a few hugs and kisses from mommy and she is back at it with full force. I have a feeling she is going to follow in her Aunt Kirsten's footsteps by spending a lot of time in the ER with bandages, casts and stitches.
Tessa is enjoying her cheerios, although I think she likes shaking the container more then anything. She is totally cruising (for you non-parents that is when babies walk along furniture) around the den. There are two items in the den that are off limits, the fireplace tools and the TV stand. OF COURSE, these are her favorite items and instead of playing with her toy basket or activity center, she only has eyes for the fire poker and the DVD player. I think I have a long 18 years ahead of me.
I took this really cute picture of her this morning at her day care. She's wearing a pink jacket that used to mine when I was little.
Tessa saw her first snow this weekend. It was wet snow, so we couldn't really play in it. T still has an ear infection, so we didn't want her to get worse. But we ran out for a couple of pictures. She kept laughing every time a snowflake touched her face. I have those pictures on my other camera so I will post them a little later. We had a lot of fun this weekend, so I posted a couple of video clips. She started smacking her lips in what I like to call little kisses.