

Almost forgot her latest word "Airplane", Aunt Kirsten would be so proud of her little niece. I think she just recently leanred this word. As it seems to have been raining here the past month, we have spent very little time outside. We live very close to Dobbins AFB and so get a lot of low flying, large cargo planes flying overhead. On Sunday Omi and Opa were over and we were playing out front, when a giant C-130 flew by and Opa made sure Tessa saw it and said "Airplane". About five minutes later, she started saying it non-stop, even though there was no plane in sight (or sound). Last night on our walk she saw one again and said it again. She's such a little genius.


New Phrases

The older Tessa gets the more rapidly she learns. She talks non-stop. Most of the time I do not understand what she is saying, but as long as she entertains herself more power to you, Tessa. She now says funny phrases like "Let's Go" and "All Right". I have no idea where she learned these as we don't really use them that often. I heard her say the word "Please" (of course sounds like Peeees). She's been doing the sign for Please forever, but hasn't really said the word. In sign-language she knows More, Please, Milk, Help Me, Mama, Dada, and Dog. She will grab a blanket and lay down and pretend snore (Daddy taught her that) and she will say 'night-night'. Of course this does NOT mean that she is tired, she just thinks it's fun to play. She is still completely obsessed with Pokerface and wants to watch it 24-7. On Saturday morning she woke up early and Mike and I hoped that if we brought her in bed with us she would snuggle for a little bit longer (YEAH RIGHT). She jumped off the bed and immediately ran to the iPod and started pushing buttons. Nothing like C&C Music Factory "Everybody Dance Now" at 7:00am. She loves her music.



My dear, sweet little girl is obsessed with Lady Gaga's Pokerface. Tessa really does not like watching TV, she has never sat still long enough to realize that there is anything on the TV. Even Baby Einstein, Mickey's PLayhouse, nothing really tickles her fancy.


She is obsessed with Pokerface and the video. It's her favorite song to dance to and we have the video on our iTunes. She knows how to press the space bar on the computer to get it going and she know if the she presses the buttons enough i the iPod it will come on. She will actually sit still (almost still) at watch the video six times in a row. It had become her bed-time ritual before bath time. It's amazing to see her so enthralled with this one particular video. If I start playing the P!nk video, she'll climb out of the chair and wonder off to do something else.

Unfortunately the video clip I have is too large to upload, I'll try to get a shorter one.