
Who's That Girl?

Tessa is up at Regina's today and she put her in pigtails. HILARIOUS! She looks soooooooo different. I have never tried pig tails since she always pulls out the hair clip I tried to put her in. It actually makes her hair look longer.


Christmas Pics & Videos

Here are a few pictures of Tessa in her pretty dress at Christmas and a video of her dancing and one of her singing (she's trying to sing "Baa Baa Black Sheep").



Tessa is definitely showing signs (for real this time) of being ready to be potting trained. She actually peed in her potty the other day, all by herself. And whenever she has a wet diaper she pulls at it and says "poo-poo" I guess she thinks poo-poo is the word for anything that goes on down there. She will even start walking upstairs herself so that we can change her diaper.She has pooped on the potty several times, but they have always been a little more forced as she had no diaper on and we didn't want her pooping on the floor.

I don't want to get my hopes up, but I would just be in hog heaven if I could get her potty trained before #2 comes along.



Tessa's new favorite word is Meatball. She really likes meat-balls, so I call everything meatball to get her to at least try it. I'm sure this has really confused her, becasue we were over at Omi and Opa's house and Dad was eating a braised short-rib. Tessa pointed to the giant piece of meat and said "Meatball". It was pretty funny.

She is also addicted to blue berries. She will eat eat and entire pack in one sitting. She LOVES them and asks for them all the time. Luckily Costco has them right now (aka more berries, less money).



I have to pay a little homage to my German heritage. Pumuckl (pronounced Poomickel) is/was a German cartoon charachter. I've been calling Tessa that lately, because her hair sticks out like his does, especially in the mornings. She woke at 5:00am this morning (again) and I just let her cry herself back to sleep. It took about 30 mins. When I finally woke her up again at 7:00am her hair looked like his and it was all crusty from the snot and tears. I damn near had to wash her again this morning. She's such a little goob.



Lately Tessa has been waking up between 5:00am and 5:30am. I am TIRED. I can't really figure out why. It doesn't seem to matter what time I put her to bed. I feel like the later I put her down the earlier she wakes up. I try to put her down around 7:30pm, but sometimes it's closer to 8:00pm or even 8:30pm.

Anyway, I really prefer to wake up BEFORE she does in the morning so that I can get ready and do my thing. Hopefully, it's just a phase (a VERY short one) and will go back to sleeping in a little later.


New Discovery

This weekend Tessa "discovered" the little picture collage I have hanging in the den. This picture, of course, has been there since she was born. But out of now where, she started saying "Bobby, Daddy, Omi, Opa" over and over again. The she noticed that "Kirsten, and Makayla" were in the picture also. I finally had to point out the MOMMY was in the collage also and then she would include me sometimes (but I think only to make me feel better). It's just so funny that she just now discovered this picture. Bobby, Omi and Opa seem to be here favortie.

Last nigth after Mike left I was in the Kitchen and she was playing in the living room and came running up to me going "Bobby, Bobby". I thought she had seen him pull up through the window, but she just ran back into the den and pointed at the picture of him.



I miss my booger! She is having a BLAST up in Woodstock with her older sister and the rest of the Inman clan. She slept until 8:15am (which she of course NEVER does at home), she ate eggs (again, which she ALWAYS spits out at home), and I swear I can hear her laughing and giggling even now. She probably doesn't even remember who I am, that little stinker.

I'm glad she's behaving for Regina and I know she is having a great time. I was a little lost last night. Next Thursday night when she picks her up I will plan a girls night out.