
Poopy Tuesdays

This is a multiple post day today. I have decided to name Tuesdays 'Poopy Tuesdays' since Ellis seems to have selected Tuesdays as his day to have his BM's. Yes, this means he only poops once a week. The crazy thing is that since he is fed breastmilk it's almost impossible to get constipated and according to the Pediatrician they can go for up to two weeks without pooping. Stop reading if you are faint of stomach, but per the doctors as long as his poops are yellow and seedy (hahahahahah I just grossed out a bunch of you) he's fine. My little moose is so cute.

1 comment:

sam said...

Yes, that's totally normal. P only ever went once a week - sometimes once every 10 days. Crazy though. ;)