Well, I guess it was inevitable. Tessa finally got her first real illness. So far we have been really lucky with her. Before she turned a year we had a lot of ear infections and she got tubes in her ears. Since then, nothing. She'll get the occasional mild fever, or cough, but has very rarely missed school (thank god). She was complaining that her mouth was "hard" on Sunday and starting running a fever Sunday night. I kept her home Monday and she seemed to get worse, I kept giving her Tylenol to help with the fever, but was hoping it was just a small bug that would run it's course. Last night was awful, she was burning up, and didn't sleep well at all. She kept waking up in a daze and all she did was ask for Daddy over and over and over again. I tried so hard to console her, but she just kept saying no, no, no Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. She finally let me rub her belly and this seemed to calm her down and she finally fell asleep again.
This morning she was covered in this rash, it looks so bad because it's on her face also. I knew she was too sick for school again, and when she refused a donut this morning I immediately called the Pediatrician (seriously, she didn't want it and I knew it was serious). So, it turns out she has Strep Throat. So now she's taking Amoxicillian, Tylenol, AND Benadryl. Her rash is very itchy also. My poor little booger. Omi and I have been tag-teaming so that she can get some work done and I can get some. We'll have to do this tomorrow also, so that we have one more day of antibiotics to kick in before we go back to school.
Here's the funny part, until the late afternoon and evening, she's in relatively good spirits. She's her normal, bubbly, observant self. Besides the splotchy face, you would never know something is wrong. Here a few cute things she said.....
Yesterday, we dropped Ellis off at school and I took her to work with me. As we were entering Buckhead she asked "Where's Ellis?" And for a split second I panicked and thought "Oh my God, where is he?" Today, after we got back from dropping him off, she kept asking "Where's Ellis? I want my Ellis. I want my Ellis" She was really upset that she was home and he wasn't. Then today when we were going to the Doctor, I was explaining that she was going to listen to her heart and look in her ears and mouth. She repeated "We're going to Dr. Seuss and he;s going to listen to my heart" I started laughing because I guess they have been reading Cat in the Hat at school. Cat in the Hat actually came to their school today, but Tessa missed it. Although the Director said that most of her class was still afraid of him. Clifford came to their school a while ago and despite the fact that she apparently a little scared of the big red dog, she STILL talks about Clifford waving.
Anyway, I thought those were some cute little things she did.