
Opa Opa

My mom took Tessa to a musical at the local Elementary school last night. They were performing Charlie & the Chocholate Factory. It's her first event where she's had to sit through a whole show. We haven't taken her to a movie yet because we weren't sure how she would act. My mom said she did great and loves all the songs. After each song, she would clap and look at my mom and say "Omi, sing again?" In preperation, we've been showing her little clips on YouTube of the Oompa-Loompa sings.

This morning in the car she kept saying "Mommy, the Opa-Opa's had green hair!" (of course, Opa is what she calls my Dad and it's German for Grandpa). SO they will now forever me known as the Opa-Opas.

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