

Today is my little man's Birthday, he's two. I so clearly remember going to the hospital when I was in labor and his birth, but then again so much has happened in these last two years. He is talking up a storm now (when Tessa allows it) and wants to do and copy everything Tessa does. This includes wearing her purple fairy wings and drinking from the pink sippy cup. His personality is very different from Tessa. He's a little more cautious and isn't quite as comfortable around strangers (it takes him 5 minutes to warm up to someone versus Tessa 0.1 nano-second). He loves to cuddle and give hugs, he loves playing with his Daddy, and has the cutest little smile and these smoldering brown eyes. He's obsessed with cars and trains...aka anything with wheels or tracks. They are still his favorite toys. He does a great job going to bed. We read a book or two, and then I lay him down and say goodnight. Sometimes he even waves at me and says bye-bye oe night-night and that's it. I don't hear a peep out of him. He is also more sensitive and gets upset a lot easier than Tessa does. Sometimes I don't even know what he's upset about. He will throw himself on the floor or throw whatever he has in his hand. And if he's not holding something he goes and finds something to throw or knock of the coffee table. Part of the issue is communication, he can't quite communiate yet what he wants or doesn't want or what is bothering him. Hopefully this phase will pass soon.

He's transitioning into his new classroom this week. He will be in Jr. Pre-School I with Mrs Martha and his best friend Coen (who's birthday is three days after his) is moving with him. He's excited about all of the new toys and play equipment. He loves eating on his own, although it's quite messy and stresses me out majorly. Mike keeps telling me to relax but the food everywhere drives me bananas. Now potty-training is a whole other story. He has absolutely no interest in it. I ask him if he wants to go, he always says 'No'. He won't even sit on it. Part of moving up to his new class is that they work on potty training, so we'll see how that goes.

On Sunday we were sitting out on the grass and he had just woken up from his nap. He was still tired and just stayed curled up on my chest. I leaned back with my hands on the grass and he sat up and looked at me. The wind had blown some of my hair into my face, and he reached up very gently and pushed the hair back out of my face. My heart just melted right there on the spot. Seriously how sweet and romantic. If we can keep him on the right track I know he will grow up to be a McDreamy and just be the perfect husband for someone (although I am secretly already jealous of the heifer that is going to steal him away from me...........Mike just laughs at me when I tell him that).

Happy Birthday, Moose.

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