I have noticed Tessa saying eye (which she can also point to on her face and someone else's face). She says morning (which comes out as nonon).
The funniest thing is that she will hold her hand up with her index finger pointing and wave it and hold this entire conversation in a warbled tone. It's really quite fascinating. I will try and capture it on video this weekend and post it. The way she waves her hand is almost like she's making a very important point or maybe cussing me out.
New Words
We are enjoying our last day at the beach. The weather has been OK, it's been overcast and a little rainy, but we have all managed to get out at various times and soak up the sun. Tessa loves the ocean and sand and plays with her bucket and shovel non-stop. She has also made some friends here. There's Lane, whose grandparents own the unit two doors over. Lane is one month younger than Tessa. And she met the twins. There are two cute 18mo old boys, Nicholas and Joey. They are two cute little blond haired, blue-eyed cuties. They had a little play date yesterday and Tessa was running around high-fiving everyone. Every time you high-five her she yells out "Yeah".
Tessa can point to her mouth, ears, nose, head and eyes on command (ok I know she's not a dog, but wasn't sure how to word this differently). AND she can say nose (sounds more like "naw) and she can say mouth ("mau") and think she tries to say head but it sounds like "ha". She has also figured out her shoes; ie she has figured out velcro and can take them off. Her little white sandals are easier than her brown ones, so they go missing more often.
Tessa can point to her mouth, ears, nose, head and eyes on command (ok I know she's not a dog, but wasn't sure how to word this differently). AND she can say nose (sounds more like "naw) and she can say mouth ("mau") and think she tries to say head but it sounds like "ha". She has also figured out her shoes; ie she has figured out velcro and can take them off. Her little white sandals are easier than her brown ones, so they go missing more often.
Well Tessa did GREAT in the car. She took three naps, we did a lot of singing and when we could we would roll the windows down so she could feel the breeze in her hair. Kirsten took a funny picture (think Einstein) of her hair sticking straight up.
She absolutely LOVES the beach. She runs towards the surf and would probably keep going if I let her. She will run back and forth between the surf and Grandpa standing in the sand with the bucket. We have already taken so many great pictures. Unfortunately I forgot my camera cable so I'll have to post them when we get back.
She wore this cute little bathing suit today that Aunt Geri got her. I can't wait to post the pics. She has been so tired and worn out she has taken THREE naps the last two days. Normally she takes one.
She absolutely LOVES the beach. She runs towards the surf and would probably keep going if I let her. She will run back and forth between the surf and Grandpa standing in the sand with the bucket. We have already taken so many great pictures. Unfortunately I forgot my camera cable so I'll have to post them when we get back.
She wore this cute little bathing suit today that Aunt Geri got her. I can't wait to post the pics. She has been so tired and worn out she has taken THREE naps the last two days. Normally she takes one.
We leave for OBX tomorrow. I CANNOT wait. I'm a little nervous about the very long car trip with squirmy wormy. But I know she will have a blast at the beach and we will be there all week.
Brew Thru (drive through beer place) hear I come!
Brew Thru (drive through beer place) hear I come!
MJ Tribute?

Tessa (in honor of MJ?) has started walking backwards. She's really good at it and seems to do it quite a bit. I am always jealous of the other babies when I see them dancing. Music will come on and they just start shaking thier heads, waving thier arms, and stomping thier feet. Tessa never dances and we listen to A LOT of music. It may have been due to the fact that she couldn't hear that well with her ear problems. Well, I saw her "dancing" for the first time this weekend to "Beat It". I was so excited I jumped up and starting dancing with her, at which point she promptly stopped dancing and just watched me. We love music and I love to dance so I'm hoping over the next couple of years we can work on her rythm and style and she may turn into the dancing queen that her mommy is ;)
I have noticed her doing some wierd monkey like moves. She pats her chest with both hands and then puts her hands to her mouth and starts babbling. I'm guessing this is something she has picked up in day-care (either some song they sing or animal sounds). I'll have to ask the teacher if she has any idea. I've also noticed her extending one arm and trying to hook the other one over it. It kind of looks like an elephant trunk imitation. We haven't gotten into the Safari section of her animal book yet so it must be another thing she picked up at daycare. She is like a little sponge and seems to be really doing well in her new class. She is definitely 'talking' a lot more now. It's more of warbled conversations than the repitive dada's and mama's. She's so much fun.
A few of the pictures are from our weekend up at the cabin over the 4th. I LOVE the pic of her with the sunglasses on her head. For those of you that know Mike that is how he ALWAYS wears his, propped up on his head like that. I had to put the pouty picture on here also as people always say how she's such a happy baby and always laughing. Well, she has her moments and this one was cracking me up. She was totally pouting and just sat there with her lip stuck out. It's amazing how they have already learned this trait at such a young age.
So, as most babies...ahem I'm sorry, toddlers.....Tessa loves playing with toilet paper. I normally don't let her, but Mike bought this cheap 1-ply stuff so I don't mind Tessa wasting that. We were getting her ready for her bath and she just grabbed it and took off down the hall. What a little goober.
The 4th
Well, our week started off a little rough. Tessa had a fever most of last week, didn't sleep at all one night andthen broke out in a rash after her fever finally broke. My little bug was definitely NOT herself last week.
We went up to the mountains Thursday night and spent a long weekend up there. Mike came up on Friday night as he had to work. Tessa had a great time up there and got to spend lots of quality time with Oma and Opa. She loved watching the ducks on the lake, she definitely thought that was cool. She has also started "ducking down" to play peak-a-boo over the couch. She has played this game for quite a while with a blanker or her shirt, but just this weekend I noticed her ducking behind the arm of the couch and popping up to see Opa.
And I guess because she missed so much 'school' last week, she was absolutely beside herself with excitement abuot school this morning. She was bouncing up and down in her car-seat before I even finished parking and practically jumped out of my arms as soon as we entered the building.
I'll post some pics we took later on this week.
We went up to the mountains Thursday night and spent a long weekend up there. Mike came up on Friday night as he had to work. Tessa had a great time up there and got to spend lots of quality time with Oma and Opa. She loved watching the ducks on the lake, she definitely thought that was cool. She has also started "ducking down" to play peak-a-boo over the couch. She has played this game for quite a while with a blanker or her shirt, but just this weekend I noticed her ducking behind the arm of the couch and popping up to see Opa.
And I guess because she missed so much 'school' last week, she was absolutely beside herself with excitement abuot school this morning. She was bouncing up and down in her car-seat before I even finished parking and practically jumped out of my arms as soon as we entered the building.
I'll post some pics we took later on this week.
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