
Santa & Birthday

We went and saw Santa on sunday. Tessa was so excited and talked about him all day. "We go see Santa today. I go take a nap, then we see Santa. Let's goo see the colors (aka lights) and Santa." Once we got there and actually saw him she was a little scared. She talked to him from afar, but was a little hesitant to sit on the couch. We put Ellis down to show that he was really nice. She sat down for a second and we got a few good pics. But she said bye and gave him a hug afterwards. Now she won't stop talking about him of course.

Yesterday was Mike's 50th Birthday! Wow, he's an old goat! We went over the my parents house and opened presents. Tessa and Ellis gave him a really nice sweater, Omi and Opa got him these great landscaping lights, and I got him a set of insulated hunting camos. He loved all of his gifts. Then Peyton came over the watch Tessa and Ellis, while the grown-ups went to Fogo de Chao. We had a great time with just the grown-ups. The food is amazing there. I know it's a little on the expensive side, but DAMN it's so good. I think I will be in a meat-induced stupor for the next two days. Just in time for Christmas...........

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