
Christmas Lights

Tessa's latest obsession is Christmas Lights. Every time we get into a car, she wants to 'go find some more'. And she gets SOOOOO excited when we see some. All it takes it one rinky-dink bush with lights in them and she goes nuts. Last night when Mike got home, we loaded the kids up and just drove around the neighborhoods. She was non-stop screaming. 'Look, Look, mommy. Daddy, do you see them. Oh right there, look at all the colors. Do you see them Daddy? I want more. More lights." We decided to drive around the little down-town Smyrna area that has a festical of lights. She nearly passed out, she was so excited. We drove around the round-about three times and then down the main street. She talked non-stop. When Mike and I tried to talk about some other things, she would say "No, Mommy. Don't talk to Daddy. Be quiet. Look at the lights, see them? Right there? And way up there? You see them? Daddy, don't talk to Mommy."

She was so excited last night she didn't go to sleep until almost 10:00pm (which is very rare for her). She talked to herself for a long time. She keeps talking about the lights, and Santa Claus is coming, and something about Mommy Daddy, and baby Ellis. At about 9:00pm I was taking a bath and literally could hear her talking non-stop. It was so cute.

I can't wait until we get our lights and tree up this weekend. We may also try to go see Santa this weekend.

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