

Ellis turned 9 months yesterday and we have his 9mo doctor's appointment on Friday. I cannot beleive he is already NINE months. Three more and he will be ONE. WHAT? He has really mastered crawling, but he really loves standing. He pulls himself up on everything. It makes me really nervous because he is not quite that steady yet and invariable ends up smacking his head on the table or the door or something. I fell like I have to be by his side whenever he has free reign. Somehow, I don't remember this problem with Tessa. She crawled quite early and actually was already walking by 9.5 months. Ellis also has a lot more hair than Tessa did. Tessa really didn't get her first REAL hair cut until she was almost two. Ellis looks like such a little toddler because he has so much hair. He's also big for his age, I'm curious to see where he falls on the charts this week.

Tessa continues to amaze me. She can now count in French, Spanish and German. They are also teaching her Mandarin, but I have no idea if she ever uses it as I don't speak a lick of it. I've held off on German since they are teaching her so many languages in school, but she really seems interested now all of the sudden. She also knows Cat (Katze), Dog (Hund), Duck (Ente), Frog (Frosch) and Sun (Sonne). Frosch and Katze are her favorites. She recognizes when I speak German and will immediately start counting in German. She also seems to understand that my parents friends, Gabi and Uli are German.

This morning she was counting in German and I asked her if she was my little Kraut. She replied "I not a Kraut, I'm Tessa". So there you have it.

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