
My little Prodigies

Last week was a bit rough in the Hartley household. Tessa was sick at the beginning of the week, and then I was sick for the rest of the week. I literally lost 5 lbs in 1 week (I have to weigh in for WeightWatchers so I know exactly how much I lost). It's really hard to be sick and take care of the kids by myself. I truly do not understand how stay-at-home moms do it. So, that's my excuse for not posting this sooner.

Last week, I noticed that Ellis started signing "More", "Milk", and "All Done". He's never "All Done" and doiesn't really use it at the right time, but he will sign "More" and "Milk" at the right times. I know boys learn slower than girls, but I was getting a little worried he was going to have to rely on his good looks and charm to get through life, but it looks like there may be some hope for him afterall. Of course, as I write this, he is in the down-dog position,sliding his head on the floor. He keeps sliding into stuff, bonking his head, and then getting upset about it. My little Moose, he's still handsome.

Recently, I have also noticed that Tessa will write/draw very purposefully. Instead of the random scribbles, it's as if she's trying to write. This weekend she started drawing T's by herself. In the past she would draw something and then whatever it looked like she would them say "Look Mommy, an M or a 2" But this time she said "I write a T' and actually wrote it about 50 times. She can also draw suns. I saw her "building" rays out of some cookies one day and now she does it on paper. It's really cool to see her learning to draw and write.

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