
Brown Bear - Genius

So, everyone who has children knows the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear". Tessa does not have the patience to read a book, so we end up flipping through the pages really fast while I try to read as fast as I can. There are many books that I have never read the last page of. Brown Bear is one of those books, so my shortended and condensed version is (read REALLY fast)....Red Bird - Tweet Tweet (I do ad-lib the animal sounds), Yellow Duck - Quack Quack, Blue Horse - hairball (I can't do horse sounds), Green Frog - Ribbit, etc.

So this weekend, I am reading the book and Tessa just walks off because some shiny object caught her eye. So, I just keep reading, the next page was White Dog and Tessa did her woof woof. I thought this was a conincidence, but decided to test her and said Purple Cat too which she meowed, Black Sheep she a-a-a-a-a'd (she leaves out the b), red bird - twee twee, etc. She did almost every animal with out looking at the book and I didn't read them in order to make sure she hadn't just memorized the sequence.

I just think it is so amazing that she has already memorized this book. It's one of her favorites (from her buddy Jack).

1 comment:

sam said...

Amazing! It goes to show too that just because they don't seem like they are paying attention, it doesn't mean that they aren't.