
You reap what you sow

Tessa has a nad habit of biting when she doesn't get what she wants. I have done a lot of research trying to find the best way to address it and I have an idea of how to go about it now. Last night, while I was giving Tessa a bath I noticed this bruise on her arm by her elbow. It looks like she got bit, but I hadn't received a write up from her day-care. When kids bite each other in day care, they get a written notice that both parents have to sign. Rarely is Tessa the victim (napoleonic complex?).

I asked the teacher about it this morning. She said it definitely looked like a bite mark, but Tessa didn't cry or give any indication that she had been hurt. Apparently she rarely, if ever, cries in school so they usually know something is wrong right away. I guess some kid had had enough of Tessa bullying him or her.

On another side note that FREAKED Mike out, while I was talking to the teacher yesterday when I picked her up, Tessa was standing by the door hugging one of the older boys.........REPEATEDLY. She's cute, because when she hugs people or animals she says "Aaaaawwwwwww", and that's what she was saying. She's such a goober.

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