
Roly Poly and Water Bug

Ellis is rolling his little butt all over the place. Several mornings I have gone into his room and he is asleep on his tummy (SCARY). Whenever I put him on the floor, he just starts rolling. He also talks/coos so much now also. He was talking up a storm at the pool and just had a blast. It was so cute.

Tessa, meanwhile, has developed a total obsession with swimming. She loves going to the pool and swimming or "Playing in the water" as she calls it. I'll try to get some video next time. I got her this swimmie device called a Puddle Jumper and it has done wonders. She just floats around and swims and kicks and wants to explore the entire pool. It's great because swimming really wears her out. I think next weekend we may attempt jumping off the diving board. She just stares at the big kids when they jump off. I think she is going to be one of those water bugs.................just never wants to leave the water.

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