

I have been back at work now for three weeks and it has been interesting. I am very tired. It takes forever to get myself and two kids and all of my stuff and thier stuff into the car in the mornings. I usually get up at 5:30am and can't seem to make it out the door before 7:30am. By the time I get to work it's usually 8:30am already and I am exhausted.

I pump twice while I'm at work, which is not fun. Currently, I have to pump in the women's bathroom. There's a chair in the HC stall and my pump has a battery pack. Over the next two weeks we are moving offices and the rumor is is that there is a "mother's room" specifically designed for nursing moms. I hope it's true and I hope they consulted some nursing moms to make sure there are outlets in there and maybe even a mini-fridge. Currently, I keep my milk in a lunch cooler in the main fridge, hoping no one gets hungry enough to start scrounging through other people's stuff. I'm not pumping enough to keep up with Ellis, so I pump at night once more before I go to bed. I'm still coming up a little short some days,but I have a little stored in the freezer and I also pump at night on the weekends to get some extra. The night time pumping is what's draining right now. I can't go to bed until 11:30pm most nights, so I am juggling between rest for mommy or breastmilk for baby. So far breastmilk has won. I may go to one bottle of formula a day to help out. I have Ellis' 4mo check-up next Friday and want to talk to his doctor about this.

I nursed Tessa for 5 months, but for some reason I just quit cold-turkey. As soon as I wasn't able to pump enough for her I went to formula and now I'm wondering why I didn't just supplement her with formual occasionally? I could have continued to pump for a while. Oh well, I think she turned out all right.

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