
Funny Words

Tessa is talking up a storm. Sometimes I understand what she is saying and sometimes I have no clue. When she wants her daddy, she sometimes calls "Hey Buddy" like I do when I'm looking for him. Recently she has started saying "Mike" and of course it sounds just like me. She has also started calling for Opa as "Randy" and sounds just like my mom when she calls for my dad. It's hilarious.

We basically have to tell Tessa a word just once or twice and then she remembers it. She's learning the difference between Tractor Trailer and School Bus. She know the difference between an Airplane and Helicopter. She started saying bicycle (not bike). Most of her statements are sentences now also. She will say "Look! School Bus. Do you see it? Hear it? Bye Bye School Bus. See you later. School Bus is going home".

I don't think she knows I vs You. When she wants to be carried she says "I carry you?" Of course I'm like "I wish". Today when I was leaving her classroom, I told her "Bye Bug, I have to go to work now" and then she said "I go to work. I love you, mommy"

1 comment:

sam said...

Penny does that too. She says, "Mommy, pick you up?" but she means Mommy, pick "me" up. Then I say, "Sure, I'll pick you up." which I think just reinforces it. Well, I'm sure they'll figure it out eventually!